Sunday, November 20, 2011

"The Grace Effect" by Larry Taunton

The Grace Effect is a book about the international adoption of a girl from the Ukraine by the author’s family. The book starts with a conversation between the author, a Christian apologetic and an atheist. The author talks about how the atheists think that a society without religion would be a good thing. Taunton, the author, makes it clear that he believes a society benefits from Christianity and that an Atheistic society is a bad idea. From there, he goes on to describe the adoption of their daughter, Sasha, from the Ukraine. After encountering numerous corrupt government officials and the mostly unmoving and unfeeling culture only worried about money and not the people they are supposed to be helping and protecting, he draws the conclusion that a society without Christianity has already been proven to be a bad idea.

This book is very well written and organized and quite funny in places. The author tied the events in the book together masterfully. Taunton supports his conclusion about the evil of atheistic society with several brief history lessons about the Soviet era and some of its leaders and philosophers. I found these mini-lessons fascinating. But the best part of the book was when he was talking about Sasha. The parallels between the family’s adoption of Sasha and God’s adoption of us are presented in a very moving way. I would highly recommend this excellent book to everybody. It is very inspiring.

I am required to say that I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher in return for an honest review.

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